Anxiety an emotion!

Human Beings undergo various emotion through in a lifetime, namely organized under 6 category-

  • Anger
  • Disgust
  • Fear
  • Happiness
  • Sadness
  • Surprise

These six emotions are called primary emotions, which can be singularly segregated into various other emotions as well as meld into a new emotions.

Anxiety is an emotion often experienced, it can also be said to be under the primary emotion fear. Though both anxiety and fear are emotions often thought to be overlapping occurrence but neither of them can be used in place of the other.

To make it more comprehensible, let's say if someone who has just learned driving is driving on a busy road, they may feel on edge, while constantly fretting over what if they do something wrong, what if they meet an accident. It's an emotional rollercoaster of feeling uneasy, a feeling that is based on an obscure thought process over a situation that may or may not take place. It's a stressful feeling that is often fabricated on 'what if'.

Similarly, if someone who has recently learned driving, is on his or her way and accidentally crashes into another car, they while crashing would automatically feel fear with increase in heart palpitations and stress.

Therefore both anxiety and fear nearly gives the same body and mental  reaction which may be felt as overlapping in term of understanding but are actually two different phenomenon, one which based on presumption and the other which happens under concrete situations on definitive ground. Both anxiety and fear cannot be used interchangeably.

Anxiety a disorder!

Once we have clear idea of anxiety as a form of emotion that is commonly felt and expressed by every human from time to time, we can automatically state that anxiety is a mode of inborn survival intinct that can experienced in a fight or flight situation stimulating adrenaline in the body and preparing mind for either fleeing or fighting to the best of one's ability! This being a general factor comes to our need on day to day basis but when this ability over powers one rationality and becomes out of proportion so much so that it hinders one's capabilities of performing daily tasks, it becomes a disability.

It's surprising that about 17 percent of human population is vulnerable to anxiety disorder and may suffer under this disorder at some stage of their lives. According to Australian bureau of statistics (2009) National survey of mental health and well being has summarised that in Australia one in every 5 people aged between 16-85 may experience mental illness, anxiety disorder being the most common mental illness (14%), still almost 54% of people going through mental illness do not undertake any kind of treatment. Majorly people with such condition have been suffering through such for a long time hence, think of it as a personality trait instead of an illness. This may result in delay to treatment, due to which the condition may worsen drastically effecting one's lifestyle.

Coping with anxiety, a task not so difficult!

A condition effecting so many people is hence not overlooked and many research have resulted in various treatment methods. Dealing with anxiety disorder may take effort and some preservence but is worth the result.

There are various treatment methods usually undertaken together namely being-

  • Self treatment- a temporary preventive measure which can be used to control condition until proper treatment. Some widely used examples are exercise, relaxing activity like yoga, such activities produce a boost of good harmones thatbmake us feel positive along with these maintaing a healthy diet and maintaining a regular sleep pattern can help in the long run.
  • Counseling - It's a widely used method of treating long term anxiety. Counseling is a way of addressing the roots of anxiety and methodologically overcoming them, this may involve situational confrontation of anxiousness.
  • Medication- Another common mode of managing anxiety disorder is medication. It's a treatment that is done alongside psychological counseling. These drugs may include antidepressants like Etizolam that acts as muscle relaxer, sleep aid and anxiety preventive, some other drugs like Benzodiazepines,Tricyclics. Medication is only a temporary term based mode of help used in ease and elevation of anxiety and may also result in side effects.


Anxiety is an emotion that comes naturally to everyone human and is a survival instinct borne in circumstances.

When the same anxiety is expressed in an out of proportion manner so much that it becomes a hindrance in our daily life, it's called an anxiety disorder which can be triggered under a reactive situation.

Anxiety disorder may be difficult but coping it is not, with preservance and  correct attitude of approach can overcome this disability or even cure it.

Various  measures and treatment are present to cope with anxiety disorder. It can be combination of therapy, counseling, medication and also self help, which when undertaken with an open  attitude can lead to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

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